It’s hard for businesses to compare legal service providers

Author: Anna Coward
Compare Solicitors

It’s ok. It makes perfect sense. Choosing the right lawyer - or even making a decision that you need one - is hard. 

Just because you’ve set up a business doesn't mean that you should be expected to know, instinctively, what type of lawyer your business needs, or how legal services work. Add to this a lack of consistent and objective information on how different law firms and lawyers work - particularly in relation to the customer experience - it stands to reason that you’re a bit at sea. 

And as if all this wasn’t enough, the context of the legal problem you’re tackling, the sense of urgency, stress and other pressures can make the decision-making hurried, less structured and can make the whole ‘lawyer selection process’ feel harder work that it needs to be. It’s not surprising if you’re feeling a bit short of confidence and decision-making-inertia is setting in.

How it is without Ravenna

We understand that you’ll be relying on a mix of indicators when choosing the right lawyer for your business. Some of the things you’ll be looking at might include:

  • At a glance customer experience ratings
  • Customer reviews
  • Success rates
  • Size of firm, location, expertise 
  • Complaints data
  • Quality marks/accreditations
  • Biographies/ “about us” info.

That’s a lot of information from an awful lot of different (and largely unverified) sources. It’s no wonder it can be a little overwhelming.

But do you know the most popular tool for making a decision? A telephone call, to establish a ‘rapport’. Now, wouldn’t it be nice if you knew you were spending your valuable time talking to someone that would actually deliver what you need and want?

How it is with Ravenna...

We’ve come up with a service that takes almost all of the stress, worry and time-consuming trawling through websites away. We’ve assembled detailed information about a range of law firms and a team of senior advisers, most of whom  are not lawyers but all are experts in business. You can contact us to access all of this and get our help with finding the right lawyer. It’s as simple as that.

With one call to Ravenna you get to speak to an advisor who has access to “at a glance” data on law firms, an experienced whole market view, advice from a trusted and respected professional source and clear, supported recommendations.

Quite simply, we take the problem away and provide the solution.

Want to find the right lawyer for your business? Book your free 30-minute consultation with one of our advisors by clicking here. We’ll talk through the options and suggest at least two law firms that we think are a good fit for your business. We aren’t paid any commission and you won’t be under any pressure to work with any law firms we put forward.